Perla Development
Liz Mercer has had the same website for approximately eight years and it was looking a little dated. Liz needs a “confidence website” with more powerful testimonials to reassure potential clients that she is serious and comes recommended.

Liz’s services needed to be renamed and the imagery refreshed. A photographer took new professional photographs of Liz at work with clients.
In addition, an outdoor and mountain theme was included as a nod to Liz’s passion for hiking.
The brief for the design and style of the website was clean and unfussy. The Perla Development branding remained as the same neutral colour palette apart from the addition of a complementary purple to add some extra colour.

Happy Customer

It was great working with Callia Web, lots of helpful advice and real flexibility to make changes when I had more ideas to throw in. I’m really pleased with my new site and have had some super compliments. Thanks Jo and Leeann!