If you have a website built by Callia Web, you will be using the Genesis Framework. We build all our websites using it, whether that’s using an existing theme customised for you, or you have a bespoke design.
Why do we use the Genesis Framework exclusively?
It provides a secure, robust, SEO friendly starting point that’s highly customisable.
By using Genesis our clients can confidently update their sites, keeping them secure, without affecting the look of their site. This is because it effectively decouples the interaction with WordPress from the design of the site.
StudioPress, the makers of the Genesis Framework, provide life time support and updates.
Also there is a fabulous, global, community of Genesis developers and designers, who are the most generous, supportive, non-competitive people I’ve ever known.
And to take our part I’ve been happy to present at the awesome Genesis Camp and, with others, start the UK Genesis group.
Our clients also benefit from this community too. If you’ve asked me a question and I say “I don’t know but I know someone who does…” then it will most likely be from someone in this group.
And finally, by using Genesis our clients can take their sites to other Genesis developers who should be able to help them. Whilst we hope our clients stay with us, they are not dependent on us.
Genesis Recommended Developer
I’ll be honest, it takes time to understand how to develop sites with Genesis and we’ve invested that time reading tutorials, asking questions, paying for training and quite a bit of trial and error.
So it is with great delight I can announce that Jo Waltham, and the Callia Web team, have now been added to the list of developers that StudioPress recommends. Currently, we are the only Genesis Recommended Developer in the United Kingdom.
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